AHSDevelopment Service Packages

Direct Package

The Direct Passage package is perfect for students who have a clear direction in mind for their career. Priced at a minimum of $499.99, this package provides the necessary materials and guidance to help students find their ideal career path. With a focus on hands-on training, this package is designed for those who are ready to take the next step towards their future.

In-Direct Package

For students who are unsure about their career path, the In-Direct Package offers a range of job opportunities and a hands-on approach to help them discover their passion. With prices starting at $749.99 and varying based on the number of jobs students want to explore, this package is designed to guide students towards finding the right career from the options we offer.

Find Your Path with AHSDevelopment

Ready to take the next step in your education and career? Explore our service packages and start your journey today.